Beginning in July 2000, the LOEX office began producing and distributing to librarians at member institutions LOEX Currents, a monthly e-mail current awareness service. LOEX Currents contains news bites, announcements, job postings, and other time-sensitive information. We also send out an electronic version of LOEX Quarterly, our periodical publication, to those individuals subscribed to LOEX Currents. We invite you to preview an issue of LOEX Currents.
All librarians and staff affiliated with a LOEX member library are invited to join the LOEX E-List for receipt of LOEX Currents and LOEX Quarterly. If you want to join the E-List, or just are not sure your library is a LOEX member, please e-mail us for verification. If your library is a member, we will add you to the LOEX E-List for receipt of these two publications. We can only accept e-mail addresses that are part of the member institution's e-mail system (No Gmail, Yahoo, etc. e-mail addresses).
If you are a member of LOEX, please enter the password below to access current and past issues of LOEX Currents.
LOEX Quarterly, published 4 times each year, contains substantive, practical articles on library instruction and information literacy as well as reports on instruction and information literacy initiatives around the world. It also features regular columns: "News from the LOEX Office", "Tech Matters", "Book Review" and "The Quarterly Interview." See a sample here. ( PDF)
Individuals affiliated with LOEX member libraries may receive, upon request, the LOEX Quarterly electronically and before the print copy ships. If your library is a member, we will add you to the LOEX E-List for receipt of the Quarterly.
Only the most recent four electronic issues (i.e., the most recent year) are password-protected. For those articles, a LOEX member log-in and password is required (contact if you do not have your password) or IP Address Authentication (contact with your IP Address(es) and institution name).
Search the full-text and Browse by volume and issue the Quarterly in Digital Commons @ EMU here.
LOEX hosts an annual conference. One of the outputs of that conference are proceedings papers submitted by the large majority of presenters.
One year after initial publication, LOEX posts that year's conference's proceedings online. These articles are password/IP address restricted for a year (using the same process as the Quarterly). One year after posting on the web, the articles will become publicly available to everyone, regardless of membership.
Search the full-text and Browse by volume and issue the Proceedings in Digital Commons @ EMU here.